How to have more energy than a 2 year old!
3 steps to creating energy that lasts and lasts and lasts
If you have ever had the pleasure of spending time with a two year old you will know they exude vibrant and abundant energy. Their zest for life and drive to get what they want are incredible. What if I told you, you too could feel like that? Excited to start your day, ready to take on the world and full of rambunctious energy! Would you believe me?
Well that’s the first step.
No matter what goal you are trying to achieve in life, the belief that you can achieve it is the first step. But wait, its ok if you don’t believe it now. I can help with that. In order to create belief we have to use our imaginations. Take sometime to imagine what it would feel like to have that much energy. What would you do? Where would you go? How would your work and/or home time be different? Once you begin to imagine and visualize what you would do and how you would feel having more energy you will begin to see and believe it IS possible to create abundant energy!
Step 2
Now we need to start eating and moving for vibrant energy
I’m sure you have heard this before. You may even be doing some version of it now. But the key here is consistency. Eating well and moving your body consistently will create increased energy and less of the bad stuff (stress, mid afternoon slumps, negative attitudes).
If you would like a little help in this area I run a program that focuses on weight loss, gaining energy, and increasing your self love. It also includes the much needed accountability to help you stick with it consistently. Check that out here
So you have created a vision of yourself jumping off the ways and chasing your kids around the park (or maybe chasing your husband around the bed), you have developed your self belief and your consistently filling up on vegetables and being active. Now what?? What’s the last step?
Begin to schedule in things that you really want to do. Things you may not have had the energy for before. Plan a girl’s night out, an early morning walk with a friend, an afternoon at the park with the kids, some alone time with your partner!
Recognize and appreciate every bit of extra energy that comes your way!
I hope these tips help you out run your 2 year old and help you create abundant, vibrant energy.
Good luck on your journey to creating your most Vibrant Life,